Everyone has seen U-Haul trucks on the roads across America and maybe even driven one, but few know about the creative design process, and the production details of the vibrant illustrations that cover the sides of the trucks. Perhaps nothing is as synonymous with U-Haul as their moving trucks with colorful fun-fact graphics.
U-Haul is an American moving truck and self-storage rental company based in Phoenix, AZ, that has been around since 1945. The graphics on the the side of the trucks are called “Supergraphics” and are one of the most iconic and recognizable driving forces that makes U-Haul stick out as a company.
Out with the old, in with the new.
The “SuperGraphics” program first began back in 1988 as a way to pay homage to the two countries that made U-Haul what it is today. The original "Classic" series ran on trucks from 1988 to 1997. When the “Classic” series ran its course, U-Haul decided to redo the states and provinces with the new ‘SuperGraphics" called “Venture Across America and Canada”. The new campaign began in 1997 - with more colors, complexity, and deals with obscure subject matters less known nationally and internationally that prompts a little educational head-scratching.
Steven King is the one and only artist that created the entire “Venture Across America/Canada” imaging campaign you see on the roads today.
King was hired as the in-house senior graphic artist & designer to rebrand the U-Haul fleet campaign with a fresh-new look in 1997. King began creating the "Venture Across America/Canada" graphics in 1997 to 2013. U-Haul continues to print his graphics for their fleet each year and are dominating the roads over 186,000 trucks strong. |
King was the central core of its making, he worked directly with universities, scientists, historians, and other specialists to ensure the accuracy of each subject. He gathered all the facts, field notes, photos, selected models, arranged the photoshoots, created the concepts, conceptual drafts, designs, created the final illustrations and checked quality control for the final printing process.
Why keep it a secret?
This is one of the most marketable product stories the company could use as a tool to communicate what makes the product stand out. By sharing personal stories of how a product was made, make their products more memorable, and creates an emotional connection between customers and products. Why is there no in-depth backstory about the making of the fleet graphic campaign anywhere on the U-Haul website?
The new educational supergraphic program was on the rise, it became popular among the public, scientists, educators, and the media wanted more. Instead of embracing the positive publicity for the company, the manager of the art department was insecure and saw King as a threat.
Unfortunately, like many companies, U-Haul has/had an unqualified and insecure manager running the art department that felt threatened by all creative and shining employees. You know the type: No people or communication skills, micromanages everything even though they lack all the skills and knowledge of their employees expertise, and creating a toxic environment and high turnover in the organization.
King was highlighted in many publications, newspapers, magazines, and Interviewed on morning talk shows, becoming the face of U-Haul Supergraphics. This infuriated the manager and tried to limit King's advancements by stopping interviews, cutting him from important meetings, and removing him from any social media content, including the U-Haul website.
In 2013, King was contacted by the award-winning "Adobe Illustrator WOW! Books" for an interview to
highlight him, and his works for U-Haul in their book. The international WOW! books have been showcasing the world’s best artists and designers working in Adobe Illustrator for decades. Immediately after the book was publicized, King was terminated without cause by his manager. Sadly, this is all too common in today's workforce, but It was a blessing in disguise and led King to an enriching career on his own.
highlight him, and his works for U-Haul in their book. The international WOW! books have been showcasing the world’s best artists and designers working in Adobe Illustrator for decades. Immediately after the book was publicized, King was terminated without cause by his manager. Sadly, this is all too common in today's workforce, but It was a blessing in disguise and led King to an enriching career on his own.
Steve King is now an independent graphic illustrator/designer in all fields of commercial graphic design, working with major toy manufacturing
companies, developing toys and package designs. King also published a children's picture, rhyming book he has written & illustrated himself called "Have you ever Met a Morphosis?". http://www.kingbugbooks.com/#/ Find out more details about how Steve created the graphics throughout this website. http://www.kingillustration.com/u-haul-facts-menu.html |